Sunday, April 25, 2010

Not-So Happy Cat in a box :'(

My cat is been sick for a days now. She starter loosing tremendous amount of weight and you can easily see her bones. Though she eats and drinks a lot, she continuous to loose muscle mass. At first I gave her de-worming medicine nothing really happened. Didn't see any worms from her poop.

Today, she still eats and drinks but not like 3 days ago. She's loosing her balance and looks like she is having difficulty walking even standing. She usually stayed or sleeps in my bed but this past few days she starts "hanging-out" in cool dark places like closets and under my parent's bed. She was missing for 3 hours now. I've seen this symptoms before from my previous cats who eventually died. I know I have to accept the inevitable.

Part of grieving is accepting. Understanding things makes it easier to accept things that are out of my control. I've been reading articles about cats+dying from these links:


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