Friday, April 23, 2010

Averrhoa bilimbi Shake

Popularly known as Kamias shake. Its too hot and I need something ice cold and slushy. We have leftover kamias in the fridge and they are perfectly ripe.

Here's the ingredients:
  • kamias
  • crushed ice
  • sugar
put all in the blender and VOILA!

Here, we usually use kamias when cooking Sinigang when we don't have tamarind at hand.

According to Mr. Wikipedia:

"In the Philippines, the leaves serve as a paste on itches, swelling, rheumatism, mumps or skin eruptions. Elsewhere, they are used for bites of poisonous creatures. A leaf infusion is efficient against or as an after-birth tonic, while the flower infusion is used for thrush, cold, and cough. Malaysians use fermented or fresh bilimbi leaves to cure venereal diseases."

Well, I don't know about venereal disease but I know it will do wonders on my cold and phlegm since it is pack with Vitamin C.

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