Friday, April 30, 2010

Pork Asado with Singkamas

I got this recipe from Lutong Pinoy

  • 1 kilo pork, cubed
  • 2 tbsps. soy sauce
  • 1 tbsp. minced garlic
  • 1 tsp. minced ginger
  • 2 tbsps. oyster sauce
  • 1 singkamas, cut into strips
  • bell pepper (optional)


1. Marinate the pork in soy sauce, garlic, ginger and oyster sauce for a few minutes.
2. Put the marinated pork in a pressure cooker add 1/4 cup water and cook for 10 minutes
3. After 10 minutes turn off heat and let the pressure out. Add the singkamas and bellpepper. Cover the pressure cooker and let the vegetable cook with the pressured air.

After another 10mins. Mangan tanah!!!! (let's eat) :)

My First Recycled paper

During my free time I tried making recycled paper. I learned it from watching youtube.

GreenParent and Paper Alice

For the reason of sentimentality and owe to mother nature to Reuse-Reduce-Recycle .

Here are the things that went to this blender and reduced into pulp.
  • receipts
  • correspondence
  • billing statements
  • used envelopes
  • onion dry skin (not the fleshy part)
  • garlic skin (not the fleshy part)
  • peanut skin
  • cashew skin
  • palaspas (palm leaves we used last palm Sunday)
  • brown paper bags
  • dried flowers and leaves from out garden
I think from 1/8 kilos of paper I've made 50 sheets of 8 x 11 sized papers

I used them as wrapping papers and stationery.

The end product... you can see it as my blog background... pretty huh? ;)

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Good Shepherd's First Day of Novena Procession

Mt. Pinatubo Ministry, Bulaon, City of San Fernando, Pampanga 2000
Parish Priest: Rev. Marcelino M. Miranda

Fiesta happens every first Sunday the month of May. This year it will be on May 2, 2010.

Click Me!

Not-So Happy Cat in a box :'(

My cat is been sick for a days now. She starter loosing tremendous amount of weight and you can easily see her bones. Though she eats and drinks a lot, she continuous to loose muscle mass. At first I gave her de-worming medicine nothing really happened. Didn't see any worms from her poop.

Today, she still eats and drinks but not like 3 days ago. She's loosing her balance and looks like she is having difficulty walking even standing. She usually stayed or sleeps in my bed but this past few days she starts "hanging-out" in cool dark places like closets and under my parent's bed. She was missing for 3 hours now. I've seen this symptoms before from my previous cats who eventually died. I know I have to accept the inevitable.

Part of grieving is accepting. Understanding things makes it easier to accept things that are out of my control. I've been reading articles about cats+dying from these links:


Friday, April 23, 2010

Instant Moodles

There is just no other instant food that can ever compare to noodles. I can eat instant noodles everyday... In hot or cold days noodles for me!

Too bad this one doesn't have my favorite siling labuyo (Bird's eye chili) the spicier the better.

Averrhoa bilimbi Shake

Popularly known as Kamias shake. Its too hot and I need something ice cold and slushy. We have leftover kamias in the fridge and they are perfectly ripe.

Here's the ingredients:
  • kamias
  • crushed ice
  • sugar
put all in the blender and VOILA!

Here, we usually use kamias when cooking Sinigang when we don't have tamarind at hand.

According to Mr. Wikipedia:

"In the Philippines, the leaves serve as a paste on itches, swelling, rheumatism, mumps or skin eruptions. Elsewhere, they are used for bites of poisonous creatures. A leaf infusion is efficient against or as an after-birth tonic, while the flower infusion is used for thrush, cold, and cough. Malaysians use fermented or fresh bilimbi leaves to cure venereal diseases."

Well, I don't know about venereal disease but I know it will do wonders on my cold and phlegm since it is pack with Vitamin C.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Nefertiti Resurrected

Atsarang Pakwan

"Watermelon Rind pickle"

My mom always make sure that we always have watermelon served after meal. As a recycling freak I don't want to waste anything as much as possible. I've done some reserch on what to do with the rind. I've found out that the rind has more nutrients than the juicy fleshy part of the fruit. I have two options, either to make them into candies or pickle them. Since I'm not really into sweet stuffs I opted to pickle.

The recipe that I've found is intended for green papaya. So I just replace the main ingredient with the rind.


  • 2 cup vinegar
  • 2 cups sugar
  • garlic
  • salt and pepper
Other veggies:
  • Siling haba (finger chilies)
  • Siling labuyo or bird's eye chillies (if you really want it hot and spicy)
  • Ginger
  • Onion
I separated the rind, skin and the red part.

1. As you can see from the picture (click to enlarge) I use the blender instead of the usual grating. I blend it for just less than a minute so you can still have something to chew.
2. Squeeze out the excess water.
3. Prepare the ingredients
4. Chop them up
5. Mix.
6. Put in a jar/s.

7. Put all the syrup ingredients in the blender.
8. Blend for 20 seconds.
9. put the syrup into the jar enough to cover the pickle mixture.
10. seal with a cling wrap
11. microwave for 5 mins. (low)

Voila! this can last for more than a year(depending on the storage)

I already made vinegar from coconut water so I decided to make vinegar from the red parts. I don't know if this will work. but it's worth a try.

I blender the red part and separated the juice from the pulp.

1. Add 2 tbsp of sugar to the watermelon juice and stir until the sugar dissolves
2. Pour in a bottle and cover it with linen to make the air pass through. and store in a warm dark
place for 1 month.
4. after 2 days the red stuff separated from the vinegar... wow!
I haven't tasted it yet. hopefully this may work.

I tried to pickle the rep pulp. The taste is slightly different from the rind because of the texture of the pulp. it is too soft like baby's food.